Carl Maria von Weber Der Freischütz (Opernquerschnitt) Oper + Operette Klassik Gebrauchte

Carl Maria von Weber, 1821. Der Freischütz is an operatic chiller, the tale of Max, a luckless huntsman who, having a dry spell with his rifle, enters into a pact with the devil so that he is able to cast magic bullets ( Freikugeln) that will always hit their mark.

About Carl Maria Von Weber Piano in My Life

The world's premier resource for classical music programming: stunning live events from the world's most prestigious halls, plus thousands of concerts, operas, ballets, and more in our VOD catalogue! Carl Maria von Weber's Der Freischütz is available on Explore all our recordings of this masterpiece now!

Carl Maria von Weber Der Freischütz (2 CDs) jpc

Misc. Notes The Whole of the Music, consisting of Overture Songs Duetts, Trios, and Concerted Pieces, in the celebrated Melodrame called Der Freischütz; or The Seventh Bullet. composed by Carl Maria von Weber; arranged for the English Stage by Wm. Hawes

Weber/Der Freischütz Bavarian Radio/Kubelik

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Carl Maria von Weber

Carl Maria von Weber wrote a number of operas, but only a select few have made it into the books of posterity. Shining brightest above these is "Der Freischütz," the opera that had such a massive effect on the young Richard Wagner. The opera had its premiere on June 18, 1821, and has had a mixed life in the repertoire.

Carl Maria von Weber Der Freischütz Konzerthausorchester Berlin La Fura dels Baus FOYER

DER FREISCHÜTZRomantische Oper in 3 AufzügenComposer: Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826)Libretto: Johann Friedrich KindFirst performance: Schauspielhaus Berlin.

Carl Maria von Weber Musik Der Freischütz

Composer Carl Maria von Weber. Libretto by Friedrich Kind. Romantic opera in three acts (1821) recommended for 14 years and older. In German. With German and English surtitles. New Production. In a village community that holds firm to archaic customs, the young hunter Max must pass a marksmanship test so he may marry his sweetheart, Agathe. Of.

Authentieke “Carl Maria von Weber, Complete Works for Piano and Orchestra” door Ronald Brautigam

This page lists all recordings of Der Freischütz by Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826). Help. Skip to main content. Currency is US dollars. Delivery country is United States. Click to change. $ · USD Change;. Browse: Weber - Der Freischütz. Composer: Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826) Genre: Opera. Showing 1 - 10 of 43 results.

Der Freischütz, AudioCD von Carl Maria von Weber Hörbücher portofrei bei bü

Explore Der Freischütz, op. 77, Carl Maria von Weber, a January 1 1968 production by Staatsoper Hamburg Get performance details, watch videos, view photos and more on Operabase.

WEBER, Carl Maria von Weber. Der Freischütz Scene from the opera Stock Photo 157816656 Alamy

Der Freischütz (usually translated as The Marksman or The Freeshooter.) is an opera in three acts by Carl Maria von Weber with a libretto by Friedrich Kind. It premiered on 18 June 1821 at the Schauspielhaus Berlin. It is considered the first important German Romantic opera, especially in its national identity and stark emotionality.

Carl Maria von Weber DER FREISCHÜTZ Overture YouTube

The online opera guide to DER FREISCHÜTZ. Along with Wagner's "Meistersinger von Nürnberg," Freischütz is considered the German national opera par excellence. Von Weber shows himself to be a brilliant theater dramatist and creator of great melodies, and with this work he made a decisive contribution to the transfiguration of German.

Carl Maria von Weber Der Freischütz Pentatone

Der Freischütz (Originalschreibweise: Der Freyschütze) ist eine romantische Oper in drei Akten von Carl Maria von Weber, op. 77, nach einem Libretto von Friedrich Kind. Die Uraufführung fand am 18. Juni 1821 im Königlichen Schauspielhaus Berlin statt.

Der freischütz by Carl Maria Von Weber, Eugen Jochum, , LP x 2, Deutsche Grammophon CDandLP

Der Freischütz (J. 277, Op. 77 The Marksman or The Freeshooter) is a German opera with spoken dialogue in three acts by Carl Maria von Weber with a libretto by Friedrich Kind, based on a story by Johann August Apel and Friedrich Laun from their 1810 collection Gespensterbuch.It premiered on 18 June 1821 at the Schauspielhaus Berlin. It is considered the first German Romantic opera.

Carl Maria von Weber Der Freischütz (Bluray Disc) jpc

Carl Maria von Weber: Der Freischütz - Jägerchor * Rundfunkchor Berlin, Berliner Philharmoniker * Conducter: Nikolaus Harnoncourt

Carl Maria von Weber Der Freischuetz

Le Freischütz Der Freischütz Le Freischütz Lithographie d'une représentation du Freischütz en 1822 à Nuremberg Données clés Genre Singspiel N bre d'actes Trois Musique Carl Maria von Weber Livret Johann Friedrich Kind (de) Langue originale Allemand Sources littéraires Conte populaire germanique Durée (approx.) env. 145 min. Dates de composition 1817-1820 Création 18 juin 1821.

Der Freischütz from Carl Maria von Weber buy now in the Stretta sheet music shop

A Freischütz ("freeshooter"), in German folklore, is a marksman who, by a contract with the devil, has obtained a certain number of bullets destined to hit without fail whatever object he wishes. As the legend is usually told, six of the magic bullets (German: Freikugeln, literally "free bullets"), are thus subservient to the marksman's will, but the seventh is at the absolute disposal of the.
